
Healthy diet with foods

learn about healthy diets

When we think of a healthy diet and comes to mind everything but what they should think. So instead of moving the focus on meat, fish and vegetables, too often we think of biscuits, chocolate and pizza. But why is this happening?

A healthy diet and a proper diet usually do not go hand in hand with what I eat when I need to lose weight "Why are hungry for pizza and desire for sweets?". You will see that the answer is not as obvious as it seems.

  The outer

The choices we make in food are certainly influenced by personal taste, but also with rivers of euros spent on advertising, from our childhood, and especially by our brain.

Even if you are not one of those women who constantly struggle with the line or eating too much or too little (although I think some of us are completely immune to this nail more or less fixed), even for you, eating a stimulus can sometimes be influenced by other factors than just hunger.

Mindful eating Consciousness

Try to focus on food that you like and that you want to eat at the same time. Try to imagine having the food in front of you, listen to your scent and flavor to imagine. This exercise allows you to train your dose of conscious eating.

I want you to do this exercise every time you crave a food calorie and unsuited to a healthy diet, I want to learn to listen to your desires and you will be able to implement a diet conscious and without adequate psychological cravings of food in particular, not dictated by hunger, but by the psychological need for food and comfort.

alison moyet weight loss

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