
Top 5 Suggestions To Boost Your Physical Fitness

By James Spann

Staying physically fit helps the body to function more efficiently. Regular activity will contribute to the health of the lungs and heart and you would be able to burn off extra calories.

Regular fitness activity will decrease your risk of disease. It will also make you feel better, look better, avoid injuries, and participate in activities you enjoy throughout most of your life.

When you only do one exercise - like jogging or stepping, for example - you may find out that you are less fit than you thought. For example, a few years ago, I was jogging 6 miles a day on a regular basis. One day, a friend of mine asked me to go to an exercise class with her. I accepted the invitation, thinking that since I was in tip top condition, I wouldn't have any problems. Wow! I was wrong. I was worn out before the end of the warm-up. So, what's the solution? Fitness experts agree it's cross training.

Cross training involves doing many different activities in one exercise. It's excellent considering that you do not have time to become, bored, you are working almost every muscle in the body, and it minimizes the danger of injury. Cross training brings about better general fitness than just doing one exercise.

When you've followed the same exercise routine for a while, it can become a bit stale. When this happens, one of the best physical fitness tips is to incorporate something new into your routine.

You might become associated with a team sporting activity, boxing, or a fitness class. Doing this will certainly provide you with renewed interest and keep you from giving up on your physical fitness program altogether.

There is something about the warm weather months that makes us want to workout more and get into tip top, enviable shape. But during the cold winter months, for many of us, just the opposite happens. We begin to hibernate like bears - putting on extra weight- as we put our exercise program on hold. Instead of waiting until the spring thaw to start preparing for a new exercise season, follow these tips to keep your beach body all year round. You should plan ahead for the up-coming cold season. Think about what you could do to adjust your health and fitness plans for the weather condition.

One of the top physical fitness tips shared by those who are dedicated to a regular fitness is to plan ahead for the season. Think about what you could do to adjust your fitness plans for the weather, and put them into action long before you think about giving up. For example, buy a stationary bike or treadmill to exercise indoors if you know the climate where you live will be snowy and cold for a long period.

It is not a stretch to say that many of us don't stretch before and after our workout regimen. Why is it important to stretch? Stretching enhances flexibility, allowing you to move your muscles through their full range of motion. When muscles are warmed up before being put under a sudden stress, they are more likely not to tear during a sudden movement, like jumping and changing directions.

I know that lately, some say that stretching is not necessary before and after exercising. But, I have been working out and competing in sports for over 50 years, and have never had a major injury. This couldn't just be a coincidence. I believe it is because I have always stretched prior to exercising.

Take the time to put an MP3 together that includes music that you love to exercise to. This is one of the ultimate physical fitness tips as recent research has shown that listening to music you enjoy increases dopamine levels, and makes you feel happier. Feeling happy increases your motivation and enjoyment and encourage you to work extra hard.

You will stay healthy and obtain the body you have constantly dreamed of by following these physical fitness tips.

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