
The High Intensity Approach To Getting Ripped Abs

By Russ Howe

If you spend hours scouring the web for tips on how to get abs or how to lose weight, today you are going to learn the simple strategies which most individuals in gyms around the world are totally overlooking.

Before you can accomplish that rock hard midsection, you need to establish some basic ground rules:

1. The abs are three separate muscles, you must hit each rather than just one.

2. Ignore those who over-train their abs, this leads nowhere.

3. Contract the muscle as you perform each exercise, otherwise it isn't working.

If you can accomplish those three things then you are probably already satisfied with your results. However, most people fall at one of those hurdles. The first one in particular is a common sticking ground for many people. They subject themselves to tons of sit-ups, but very little else...

Crunches won't hit your lower abs or your obliques. This is why even those in decent shape often only have the top two muscles clearly visible on their stomach.

This full workout will hit every single area for you:

1. Crunches on a swiss ball x 20

2. Leg raise with swiss ball held between your ankles x 20

3. Knee-touch-crunches x 20

You will really feel this one more if you perform it as a circuit, going from one exercise to the next without stopping for rest. Try to get through 3-4 rounds as quickly as you can, while focusing on feeling the contraction in the target area on every single rep you perform.

Not only will this hit every single muscle within your abs, it will also kick-start fat burning to a whole new level due to the very high intensity of the session.

The main problem faced by a lot of men in the gym is that they simply find hitting their stomach muscles very boring. If they're honest with themselves, they'd rather be standing in front of the mirror doing biceps curls and military presses. However, providing any muscle group with a lackluster workout will result in half baked results.

Should you train abs with weight? This is another question which is often asked by those looking to take their ab development to the next level. However, there are probably several people reading this who will have difficulty making it through today's body weight workout, given the fact that a lot of people take it easy on their quest to learn how to get abs in the gym. However, by hitting all three key areas of your midsection with three of the biggest, most scientifically proven exercises, you can not fail but to aid your development.

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