
Basic Bug Out Bag Supplies

By Claudine Hodges

Being prepared and ready for any kind of disaster has become something that is on the minds of many people. Stocking nonperishable food, having flashlights, batteries, water, and medical supplies is also becoming common. But there is a real possibility that you may not be able to stay home or have the ability to drive to safer ground. If that event occurs you need to have these bug out bag supplies ready to grab and go.

The most important item to carry with you or have accessible is clean drinking water. It takes one liter of water per person per day to survive, so pack three litters. Also, have iodine tablets and a small pot for boiling water.

You are going to need energy while hiking or hiding. Protein bars and nuts are an excellent source of energy. Also, have camping freeze dried meals or military grade Meals Ready to Eat, (MRE). The MRE's can be eaten cold or hot and your pot for boiling water is the perfect place to heat them.

For clothing take two shirts not just one so you can layer them if need be. Take pants not jeans, socks, and a hat. Include in your bag, a pair of long underwear that will keep you warm and a jacket that can keep you dry and warm. A bandana is also useful to have due to its versatility. Have a pair of sturdy boots next to your kit ready to put on before running out the door.

Have a tent or tarp along with a way to set up in your kit. You need to stay warm and dry to remember to also have a sleeping pad or good ground tarp included. These items will be useful if you have to stay out longer than three days. Don't forget a good bedroll or sleeping bag.

Always have a first aid kit. You can buy them already prepared but it would be better if you fill it yourself. That way you will have an intimate knowledge of what it contains and can manage it to fit your needs. In addition to bandages, gauze, splints, and first aid cream, include anti-diarrhea medication, allergy pills, sun block, and instant ice packs.

The intent of your kit is to be able to evacuate and either get to a safe place or wait for rescue to arrive. So you need these other items. A hatchet for firewood, clearing paths, or if need be - protection. Do not forget a small pot or large cup that you can boil water for drinking or cooking. Carry matches or a lighter but it would be wiser to also know how to start a fire without their help.

Hopefully you will never need to use your bag. However, you do not want to find yourself unprepared. Be certain to include the listed items first, then add to them anything else you can carry and feel you will need to make it through three days or longer if needed. Having these few items can save your life.

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