
How Tallahassee Chiropractors Alleviate Slip And Fall Accident Pain

By Jamie Cudjoe

It only takes a second for a mishap to occur, and even the slightest push can dislodge vertebrae in your spine. Severe pain is not always evident at the time of the accident but develops slowly over time and daily living. Regardless of the reasons, it is time to find out how a prominent Tallahassee Chiropractor Alleviate Slip and Fall Accident Pain Today.

At your first appointment, relax and be prepared to provide you medical information, any previously related situations and detail exactly what you were doing when the injury occurred. If you are in too much pain to sit upright and hold a pen to fill in the forms, have a friend or relative drive you to your appointment and fill them out for you.

After you finish your paperwork, a member of the staff asks you to follow them to an examination room where they prepare you for range-of-motion tests. These tests allow the doctor to determine the severity of your injury, and the results determine the approach in relieving your pain. This is not the time to be a hero and push it too far.

The doctor uses X-rays to see the alignment of your spine visually and often requires you lay down on the table for the equipment to take the pictures. The chiropractor then shows you the results of the X-rays and explains why you are in pain. In most cases, they ask you to lay down on the adjustment table and follow your spinal column to determine exact areas of pain.

Remember that chiropractic is a holistic method of relieving pain by realigning the spine. Most important is that surgery is considered a last resort and the doctor provides you with exercises to do when you are at home.

Chiropractic adjustments are not usually painful. If you experience pain make sure, the doctor knows where and how severe. Any time the body experiences an injury it is essential to seek immediate medical attention. A holistic approach is non-invasive and does not require surgery.

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