
Keys to Staying in Shape, After The 30 Years

Know how to prevent metabolic hormonal and psychological issues specific to each stage become more kilos. The fair calories your body needs.

It is at this stage that we begin to ask why climb of kilos, if we eat the same old thing.

and this is precisely the error.

After 30 years, the metabolism begins to suffer a decline and consequently burn less calories per minute and there is an increased percentage of body fat and also adds the start to slow muscle loss and progressive decalcification of the bones.

In these cases, only physical activity is a good jacket to eliminate kilos.At this time of life. . .

Many people have already formed a stable relationship.This may cause a tendency to adapt itself to power your partner can mean large portions succulent meals.Remember: The man caloric needs are higher than female.Pregnancy and children begin to become a reality, which causes changes in the body of women.For these cases it is important to take care of food during pregnancy and lactation to cross them healthy.As far as professional life is becoming more intense and that creates stress, and take time for physical activity.

--> Both favor increased kilos.Now if in previous years remained healthy habits, they must already be rooted in their behavior.Only minor adjustments suffice as increase physical activity or reduce some of its portions.Otherwise, it is the ideal time to start adopting these good habits, as it has greater emotional stability and labor in adolescence.In addition, changes in the body are just beginning.Note that the proper rest is very important. Insufficient sleep can alter hormonal secretions favoring reserve fats and increased kilos.We recommend 1800 - 2000 Calories DailyEat:lean fish 2-3 times per weeklean red meat 1-2 times a week

skinless poultry 1 to week.So in addition to caring for their kilos will protect the arteries.Fruits and vegetables. Your intake is essential.This way you will obtain natural antioxidants, vitamins and minerals important for the body.Dairy. Take 2 or 3 glasses of milk per day or its equivalent in food.This will help maintain bone mass.Always opt for skim.Water. Drink at least 2 liters a dayIn this age before dropping out of physical activity that is very high for work or family issues, you need to find the type of physical activity fun we cherish.This can be anything from simple walks up salsa lessons or other dances, outdoor plan or a plan or scheduled session in the gym 3-4 weekly sessions.- 30 minutes of aerobic activity- 20 minutes of muscle toningFlexibility -10 minutes


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