
Is HIIT More Effective On An Empty Stomach?

By Russ Howe

High intensity interval training is a great way to burn fat but most people fail to change their nutrition accordingly and don't get the results their hard efforts in the gym deserve. In this post we show you how to tailor both your diet and your supplements to perfectly balance your fat loss and muscle gains when using HIIT.

Following today's tips you will be able to get much more from your sessions and will notice massively increased fat loss results.

For years a lot of people have believed that you should hit the gym without eating beforehand. This is more habit than fact, however, as science points in the opposite direction. Numerous studies have shown that the benefits of hitting the gym with the right nutrition inside your body will greatly enhance your performance and results.

The majority of gym users discovered high intensity interval training in the last ten years but this technique has been used in sports for over twenty years, so research into the nutritional aspect is anything but sparse. The problem is, however, most people short change themselves by not taking any time out to discover what they need to change with their diet to make the most of this new way of performing cardio for fat loss.

The majority of individuals who utilize a high intensity cardio approach are looking for fat loss results rather than athletic performance so that is the area we will focus on today. There are two key things you can do to enhance your fat loss workout considerably:

* Most people perform their workout on an empty stomach and consume their protein or other supplements after they have finished in the gym. Research actually shows that you can obtain far greater fat loss results if you also take a whey protein shake around twenty minutes before your session, particularly with high intensity cardiovascular workouts.

* Try adding some essential amino acids to your supplement routine and consuming them before your cardio workout to maximize results. EAA's are proven to help retain muscle mass while burning fat.

There are two sides to the workout window, and those folks who insist on only feeding their body after a session are missing out on some great results. Ensure you hit your next high intensity level training fully prepared with protein and essential amino acids.

When looking at Essential Amino Acids, for example, research concludes that having them before a workout is superior to taking them post-workout. Two groups trialed this a few years ago and while the post-workout group were able to take up 16% of the amino's the pre-workout group enjoyed a massive 42% muscle uptake.

And that's it. Pretty simple stuff in the end, right? By ensuring your body has enough essential amino acids and a nice serving of whey protein around 20 minutes before you do your next HIIT session you will greatly improve your results.

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