
Low Testosterone Levels? Avoid These 5 Deadly Mistakes!

By Casie D. Leavens

Do you have low testosterone levels? If so, I feel for you.Why? Because I know what it's like.I know how the libido goes out the window, the drive and motivation disappear, and the zest for life? Well, let's just say it can be tough to get off the couch when the T tank is empty.You see, testosterone to a man, is like fuel to car.Without the gas, you're not going anywhere!You can read stacks of motivational books, and chant affirmations into the mirror until you're red in the face, but it's not going to do you one bit of good!

In reality, you have one option, and one option only! You've got to get your testosterone levels back up where they belong!.Let's talk about how to do that right now!Low Testosterone Levels? Unless you're past the age of 60, your low testosterone levels are caused by one thing.

The free androgen index (FAI) indicates the amount of bioavailable testosterone. FAI is the sum of the free testosterone and the albumin and cortisol binding globulin. Or it's the total serum testosterone minus the SHGB-bound testosterone.It is now clear why we should focus our attention on the properties of SHGB. The levels of this binding protein increase when there is excess estrogen present. Conversely, SHGB levels drop if the testosterone levels are elevated. Here I should mention the fact that SHGB exhibits higher affinity to testosterone than to estrogen. Now, pay close attention.It's a well-known fact that testosterone is an estrogen precursor - it will convert to estrogen under the influence of the enzyme aromatase. Nothing that we don't know so far. Here is where it gets interesting. Suppose that we have normal testosterone levels and we don't suffer from any of the health ailments, which influence the SHGB levels. That means that SHGB levels are normal, too.

If you're regularly using drugs, and think they're not effecting your sex drive, think twice. Even common aspirin reduces testosterone levels in men.Here are a few of the worst offenders.Antidepressant psychiatric medications, including Elavil, Valium, and Prozac. Antihypertensive and diuretics.Antihistamines including, Dramamine, Antivert, and Benadryl.Opiate analgesics (painkillers) such as Demerol, Oxycontin, and Codeine.And a few more for good measure, including,Propecia, Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid AC, and Ibuprofen.

The surgery affects neither the subsequent desire for sex by a man nor the frequency at which he can perform it.A question arises if there is a safe way to boost testosterone levels for men who have vasectomies and suspect they are suffering from low testosterone levels without side effects.

Vitamin C. It suppresses the release of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol decreases testosterone levels. So, ultimately less cortisol, more testosterone.How to boost testosterone levels Incorporate basic movements that involve several muscle groups in your training routine. Good ones are squats, dead lifts, and military presses. Basic (compound) exercises have been shown to play an important role in the testosterone levels.The greatest workout related testosterone production occurs with the use of heavier weights and lower rep range. A study shows that the best is 85 per cent of your one-rep max.Tribulus terestris is a natural supplement, which has been shown in some studies to have the ability to increase the leutenizing hormone (LH) levels. As we already mentioned above, one of the functions of LH is to stimulate testosterone production by the testes.

Here are a few more facts on exercise! Researchers at the University of VA measured male growth hormone levels of cyclers after an all out 30 second sprint.These sprints increased HGH levels by a whopping 530% over baseline.Endurance training, has a different hormonal effect. It leads to increased cortisol and low testosterone levels.Failure To Reduce Male Estrogen Levels.

How do you know if you have elevated estrogen levels? Take a look at your body. Do you have fleshy hips and thighs, and a round soft belly? Are you developing gyno, or male breasts.If so, you need to reduce your estrogen levels.How do you do it? Reduce body fat,Reduce your chemical exposure.Gas fumes, diesel fuel, perfumes, dyes, paints, solvents, detergents all have chemicals that mimic estrogen in your body.

Keep your blood pressure and the serum cholesterol in check. Eat enough good fats in your diet. Good means monounsaturated and omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fats.Don't ever overtrain. Sleep enough to promote good recovery. Signs of overtraining are loss of appetite, tiredness and irritability, lack of motivation, impaired mental focus, prolonged recovery periods.Start relying more heavily on basic exercise movements. Train in the low rep range most of the time. 5 - 8 reps will ensure that you're using weights that will eventually stimulate elevated testosterone levels.It will only do you good if you decide to try some or all of these natural supplements: chrysin - piperine blend, nettle root extract, pygeum, avena sativa extract, and tribulus terestris. Try to find them in your local health store. Follow the directions for best results.And you shouldn't even consider training without supplementing your diet with enough vitamin C (at least 1g a day) and zinc (15mg min.). Take vitamin C with your multivitamin formula after breakfast, and post-workout with your protein shake. Zinc should be present in your multivitamin blend but this is not enough. Take zinc with magnesium in the form of ZMA right before you go to bed on an empty stomach.

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