
The Sylvester Stallone Approach To Building A Sculpted Six Pack

By Russ Howe

Lots of fitness enthusiasts around the world are trying to build a body similar to their favorite celebrity. None more so than Rocky Balboa himself. If your goal is to learn how to build muscle, the Sylvester Stallone abs workout is something you'll undoubtedly be very interested in.

Make no mistake about it, the sculpted six pack you see in the Rocky movies didn't come cheap. However, if you can combine this style of training with some of the proven muscle building principles towards your diet and rest you will see fantastic results with it.

This workout is quite brutal and you are going to be pushed very hard. However, there is something about training like Rocky Balboa that seems to warrant a brutal session like this. After all, if it was ridiculously easy you would probably complain, right?

There are a few exercises today which you'll already be familiar with but those which present a new challenge will be fully explained for you.

* Crunches on the floor or with an exercise ball.

* Oblique crunches.

* Upright knee raise.

* Broomstick Twist.

* Ab Wheel Roll-out.

We'll start with the first exercise on today's shortlist, which is the crunch. This is probably the most popular abdominal exercise in existence today but many people unwittingly get the technique wrong, causing themselves to lose many of the benefits. Those with back issues can substitute the floor for an exercise ball if they wish, something which Sly himself now does.

This move is all about tempo and technique. Have you ever met anyone who claims to do 1000 crunches per day? You'll notice that they tend to blast through the reps and don't actually feel any soreness or get any results from their mammoth workouts. Work up to 3 sets of 30 reps on this exercise, focusing on keeping a slow controlled pace and focusing on contracting your upper abs each time you roll forward into the finishing position.

By adding a twist to the end of each crunch you'll be able to perform the second exercise in Sly's routine. Again, this can be performed on an exercise ball if you wish. This targets the muscles which you'll notice on the outside of your stomach, called the obliques. To further advance this move when you feel ready, try bicycle crunches.

Upright knee raises are another move which is often performed incorrectly in the gym. Many fitness enthusiasts unknowingly remove the stress from their stomach and place it on the hips by swinging their legs forward. Instead, perform this move with knees bent at 90 degrees and focus on pulling your knees through a contraction of the lower abdominal area, removing momentum from the equation altogether.

The broomstick twist is an incredibly basic movement, yet it is the exercise credited with giving Sly his sculpted six pack for Rocky VI. To perform this move simply acquire a decline bench and place a broomstick or barbell across your shoulders. As you sit upright, twist to each side for ten repetitions. The combination of the twisting motion and the decline bench will present a fantastic opportunity for your to develop the midsection you have wanted to achieve for years.

Finally, we move onto the wheel. This piece of equipment has existed in gyms for many decades and remains one of the most underutilized pieces of kit. The reason this exercise is kept until last is because you won't want to work out any longer if you get this technique correct.

This move targets your entire midsection and is one of the 'go to exercises' for people looking to build functional fitness. As you roll the wheel out in front of you, focus on contracting your midsection much in the same way you would during a plank exercise. This really challenges every part of your core due to the lack of balance. As you improve you will notice an increase in your range of motion during each rep you perform.

Despite being over 20 years old, the Sylvester Stallone abs workout remains a great workout session. If you want to know how to build muscle effectively in your midsection, this plan covers all the bases and leaves areas in doubt on your quest to a six pack.

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