
What should I do to lose weight?

He has been working hard to lose those last ten pounds? Are you satisfied with your efforts, or you feel like you're stuck in the inside lane of a roundabout London with no idea how to access the exit ramp?Watch what you eat, eat breakfast every day, skip dessert, and exercise regularly and STILL look down and see that last bit of belly fat roll hovering over your jeans. I can totally relate to your frustration.

Before buying another diet book celebrity, consider this different approach. Your body may be holding on to that last little roll of belly fat is not because of what you are eating, but how you are eating!Do you eat most meals with your computer screen, TV or tablet pal? Do you have anything while standing up in front of the fridge, walking between meetings, or driving in your car?If so, this could be the source of the problem. With just a few adjustments to your daily routine, you can lose the extra fluff around the middle, without restricting their food intake.Here's why:Eating on the road or while pre-occupied with a deadline, phone call or incoming message will increase the stress response in your body, which stimulates the release of cortisol.

When you rush your meals and eat their snacks, without chewing properly, compromising the ability of your body to metabolize food.

When the focus is not entirely on your food, then you lose completely the dining experience. Ever reaching for the last bite of that energy bar to find who had already eaten? When your body is tricked by the sensations of eating, going to point out to you that wants more food.These three factors leading to weight gain. Reducing these conditions and lose weight.I know, easier said than done. Here are five things you can do to promote weight loss without diet or exercise:Give yourself an extra 15 minutes in the morning to sit and have breakfast. Get up early or pick your clothes for the day from the night before.Make a rule that the kitchen table is a gadget-free zone. Savor your food and enjoy the company of those around you.If you have to eat in transit, take the time to park the car to have a meal or snack, instead of dashboard dining. If possible, stop at a park, go out and sit in the fresh air while eating.Start a lunch bunch. Grab some colleagues to get on board with bringing back lunch - at least once every week. Your waistline and your health will improve and the company will not shut down as a result.If you eat under stress, take five deep cleansing breaths before digging in. This will help your body to go into a state of relaxation and reducing the effects of less than ideal conditions to eat.I get it. We are a culture on-the-go. You are busy, rushed and have to be three places at once. But keep in mind the cost of this lifestyle full of adrenaline. As Mahatma Gandhi said, "There is more to life than increasing its speed." And let's face it, Gandhi was not looser.

Try these strategies for the next four weeks. Relax and know you can always go back to their old ways. But if you find those extra kilos melting slowly, you may not want.

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